The choreography is an ongoing system which consists out of different formations, rules and a clearly formulated physical vocabulary. The five performers are approximately 1,68 cm tall and their hair color varies from bottle blonde, light brown/dark blonde, red, dark brown to black. Their dress has a similar color scheme and is worn in a reversed order. The performers sigh, moan, roll their eyes and play with their hair while they move through the space according to a set of conditions. The audience is free to stand where ever s/he wants and will therefor most likely be moved from their position when the performers start to move through the space, the spectator becomes part of the system. Throughout the choreography there is a lot of repetition and movements are made in a very static manner.
Duration: Ongoing
Performers: Juliette Otter, Helio Hoarau Dos Santos, Ilana Winderickx, Charlotte Guerles and Laura Elias.